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Thursday, 12 May 2016

What makes a nation ‪#‎FantasticallyCorrupt‬

By Amadi Temple
1. A president lies to the public about his assets and also breached his promise to make it public and his supportes hail and defend him
2. A President goes to National Assembly to present a‪#‎BudgetOfCorruption‬ and his party hailed
3. President GMB budgets 3.5B for renovation of Aso Rock barely 5 months after earlier renovation
4. A president admits he submitted a #BudgetOfCorruption and no body is facing trial for it.
5. ICT Ministry budgeted 1Billion for office furniture under ‪#‎Budget2016‬presented by Buhari.
6. Our National Budget under GMB was padded, stolen, missing, and no details since after passage
7. An Ex Governor stole over N70B from a failed mono rail, GMB rewarded him with Ministerial post
8. A president's wife is reported to have engaged in forex round tripping but the case has been swept under the carpet
9. A minister budgeted 795 million to update a website and he is still walking free
10. A budget was found to be fradulently padded with almost 2 trillion, it was taking back for correction and brought back with only 15 billion removed. The fraud is untouched
11. The Central Bank and FRSC employs the children and relatives of the president and his party men through the back door and offer masquerade dressing jobs to the common man (including their supporters)
These and more are what makes a nation #FantasticallyCorrupt

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